Running for my life — week 4

This week, I ran Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. I can’t believe I’m halfway done with this program.

The week started off pretty crappy for running, weather wise. It rained Sunday and Monday. Tuesday it was still drizzling, but I decided to run anyways. I dropped my oldest off at school to finish a project and went to the park by her school that I like to run at. And I found it completely flooded. Like the stream I like to run by was flowing over about 1/5 of the path. So I decided to run on the sidewalks by the park instead.

It was a little weird because it was a new spot to run, it was drizzling and my glasses were wet so I couldn’t really see and everything was wet and slick. I was running extra carefully so I wouldn’t slip and fall, which slowed my pace a little, but I finished my run successfully and I didn’t fall. It was my first run in my new shoes in the rain (and possibly my second or third run in the rain ever) so that was kind of new and exciting. The rain felt nice on my face once I started getting hot.

Wednesday the sky still looked like this: It wasn’t raining yet, but on the off chance it could rain all week since it is mid-April and April showers are supposed to bring May flowers and all that, I decided to run again. This time, the sidewalk was relatively dry and I was running on one of my normal paths so I was able to do 250 right footfalls in 3 minutes and 375 in 5 so I upped my pace a bit on the 3 minute runs. I spent the whole time counting steps and praying to God not to rain on me and He didn’t. All in all, it was a nice run.

Thursday it rained all day again so I didn’t run. I made sushi instead. Friday, it was a beautiful day and a beautiful run. It was also a unique run in that the 5 minute segments of running actually felt easier than the 3 minute segments. They both started out hard but there was a point in the 5 minute run at which it got less hard instead of more hard. It was pretty cool, but it was weird. Also one of my neighbors said I inspired her to want to run so that was very encouraging. It’s nice to think that my change for myself could inspire change in others.

This week I did better as far as the sleeping goes. Friday thru Tuesday I was up all day and fully functional which was nice but exhausting. Wednesday thru Friday, I slept until 11-12:30 and was fully functional after that. I was also having some trouble sleeping those nights for some reason so I think I just needed a little extra sleep.

I’m not where I want to be yet as far as wakefulness during the day. I’d like to get to the point where I can be awake from 6:10 when I get up to make my hubby breakfast and lunch and just stay upright and awake, not lay back down while the kids get ready for school. I’d miss the morning cuddles they give me, but that’s all I would miss. I feel like I’d get a lot more done and feel better about myself if I could function like a “real adult” and stay awake all day. I’m not there yet, but I’m making progress in that direction so for now, that’s good enough for me.

I’m dreading and anticipating next week’s runs. I remember week 5 really sucking last time. Up until that point, all the runs gradually increase in length while the walking gradually decreases. Next week is not gradual at all and all the runs are different. Run 1 has 3 segments of 5 minutes of running. Run 2 has 2 segments of 3/4 mile running (or 8 minutes) and run 3 is 2 miles nonstop. I’m pretty sure I can do Run 1, but the other 2 are going to be challenging. I just hope I’m up to the challenge.

Until next week, thanks for reading and encouraging me by following my running journey. It’s great introvert accountability, knowing people are following your progress but not having anyone actually contacting you or directly putting pressure on you to follow through on what you’re trying to do. It doesn’t sound functional, but it works for me and I thank you for being part of it.