Running for my life — week 5

This week, the weather was much nicer for running. My park finally dried up so I was able to go back running there and I met a goose family that had 6 babies waddling around between mama and daddy. It was very sweet and soothing for me. And then I got sunburnt. Which made me like the nice weather a little less. But just a little.

This week, I ran on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and I took my kids for a walk and a tromp through the woods on Thursday.

Monday, I completed my 3 runs of 5 minutes each successfully. My pace was 370-380 right footfalls per running segment. My shins and calves were very tight so I felt like my stride length was shortened because of that. I spent some time stretching afterwards to try and loosen up my muscles.

Wednesday was a dog day. Not as in dog days of summer when it’s really hot, but as in I felt like a dog magnet. I had dogs barking, dogs following me, one dog stopped right in front of me and I almost fell on her. Two of the dogs were strangers to me and none of the dogs were leashed or supervised. I love dogs, but not on my run when they are off the chain and on my tail. Especially if I don’t know them.

This time, I did not follow my run because it made no sense. It said to jog 3/4 mile (or 8 minutes) walk 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes) then jog 3/4 mile (or 8 minutes). I did the math and for that run to work that way, I’d have to jog slower than I walked, which made no sense to me. So I jogged 3/4 mile, walked 1/4 mile then jogged another 3/4 mile. I didn’t do it as fast as the c25k app thought I should be able to, but I got it done. It was a bit of a weird run, too, because even though I kept counting my footfalls I also kept losing count because dogs are distracting so I have no idea what my pace was on either running segment.

Friday was a crazy day for me. It was just one of those days when nothing seemed to work and I failed all day long. I didn’t want to run. I was sure I would fail it like everything else that day. But I had made it through the rest of the day somehow and I was determined to try.

It was hard. I did not run it as fast as c25k thought I should. I ran 2 miles in 27 minutes instead of 20 minutes. But I ran 2 miles nonstop, y’all. The farthest I’d run without taking a break to walk in the past 8 months was 3/4 of a mile so it was a big jump for me. But I did it. I wanted to quit most of the time. But I encouraged myself to keep going and I did it. My legs hurt afterwards. Even after stretching and soaking in a hot tub. But I did it. And I am so proud of myself. And I know I can do every other workout ahead of me because I did this one and no other workout in this series of workouts involves as big of a jump in mileage as this one did.

I’m still feeling that runner’s high. I’m going to ride it as long as I can. Hopefully long enough to finish the next 3 weeks successfully. I can’t believe I ran 2 miles without stopping. I can’t believe I only have 3 weeks left. I’m so glad I went running today.

And that’s what keeps me running. I’m always so glad when I’m done. I always have a feeling of pride and accomplishment when I’m done. I’ve never regretted a run. I’ve regretted getting injured. I’ve regretted stopping running prematurely and not finishing a run. But I’ve never regretted a run.

That’s what keeps me running. That’s what gets me up. Sometimes that’s what motivates me to get through the rest of my day because I know at the end of the day my hubby will get home and I will get to run and the rest of the day will melt away and I will feel that runners high again. I will feel like I’m fully alive, not like part of me is dead.

That is why I run — because it gives me back my life, if only for 30 minutes. And that is why I’m looking forward to next week’s runs even though I know they’ll be a little harder than this week’s because every day I run I know I’ll feel alive. And the other days, I’ll be able to hold onto that feeling or hold on until I feel that feeling again.

Author: christinaburlesonblog

I'm a Jesus loving, happily married mom to 4 beautiful girls here and 3 more in heaven. I love crazy Lula, the color purple, knitting, cooking, biking and running. I'm passionate about health and fitness and love sharing tips on fitness, health and recipes and helping you on your journey however I can.

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